If you want to do more than simplex communications over short distances, then you’ll need to use a repeater.
In this post we’ll show you some simple manual programming using the keypad on the BaoFeng UV-5R.

What’s your plan for when the bubble drops? Run? Hide? Arm in place? Regardless of what your plan is one …
If you want to do more than simplex communications over short distances, then you’ll need to use a repeater.
In this post we’ll show you some simple manual programming using the keypad on the BaoFeng UV-5R.
Communication is very important during an SHTF.
You can have the old reliable HAM devices, however, there are so many unanswered questions for the new HAM licensee.
And now I’m bringing in HAM Radio 101 – Intro To Repeaters: We’ll start to answer these questions to make HAM simple.
Quick Navigation HAM Radio 101 – Intro To Repeaters What is a Repeater? Why do use a Repeater? What is a Repeater Offset? What is a Repeater Tone (PL or CTCSS)? |
There are two different schools of thought when it comes to knives. One side favors the plain edge while the other side swears by the serrated edge.
Which is better between the two – the Plain Edge or the Serrated Edge? What if you are looking for is a survival knife?
After reading this post, you can make a better-informed decision on what might work best for you.
If you want another bushcraft outfit in your survival bag, then you must look for a shemagh.
Shemagh is a functional piece of cloth and yes – the bandana’s big brother.
They have almost unlimited uses which is why you need one in your preparedness gear.
Quick Navigation Why You Need a Shemagh in your Preparedness Gear How to Make A DIY Shemagh How to Tie A Shemagh Shemagh VS Bandana: Which Is Better? |
I’ve carried a Swiss Army Knife daily since the 70’s.
I had grown comfortable with the traditional design, but now they offer an updated design.
Before I could decide if I liked this new design, I needed to see how the new styled Swiss Army Knife Trekker compared to the Hiker!
I recently upgraded by Bug Out Bag to an ILBE military surplus bag.
The good news is that it holds everything I need. The bad news is I now need to have a system to keep it neat and ready.
It’s very important to keep your Bug Out Bag Organized!
I’m always on the lookout for the bargain, especially for large or expedition backpacks.
Using the surplus ILBE pack as a bug out bag is a great budget bug out option!
Read more about the ILBE pack here and why I prefer it as my bug out bag.
What if you got separated from your family during an SHTF?
How would you get help when the worst is still yet to come?
In an SHTF event, it’s possible to do Long Range Communications using Budget Ham Radios and Satellites!
There may come a time where it might be very handy for you to know how to open a set of handcuffs.
Learning to Pick Handcuffs is not as intuitive as you think it is.
So having a learning tool to help you visualize the inner workings is essential.
Quick Navigation 6 Methods to Pick Handcuffs 1. Use Clear Cuff 2. Making a Key 3. Using a Shim Alternative Handcuff Options 4. Duct Tape 5. Zip Ties 6. Saw Method Want to Cheat? Want to Practise? |